What can we learn from Studies on Hysteria in our work today in Ireland? How can we think about trauma…
What can we learn from Studies on Hysteria in our work today in Ireland? How can we think about trauma and hysteria?…
The registration fee is €30. The seminar will take place on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent before the…
The registration fee is €30. The seminar will take place on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent before the…
Dr. Alain Vanier is an analyst and president of Espace Analytique Paris. He completed a medical degree and worked in…
Dr. Alain Vanier is an analyst and president of Espace Analytique Paris. He completed a medical degree and worked in…
Dr Alain Vanier is an analyst and president of Espace Analytique Paris. He completed a medical degree and worked in…
The Zoom link will be sent before the seminarbegins. To register please email:[email protected] or click on the followingEventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/the-subjectand-the-clinic-a-seminar-with-alain-and-catherine-vaniertickets-108678634722?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch…
Dr Catherine Vanier is an analyst, member and former president of Espace Analytique Paris. Currently she is the President of Enfance en Jeu,…
Dr Catherine Vanier is an analyst, member and former president of Espace Analytique Paris. Currently she is the President of Enfance en Jeu,…