You are invited to continue our series of readings with Lacan’s Seminar IV The Object Relation. Once again, we have the pleasure to announce that Dr
André Michels will be our guest lecture who will intervene and present. As
usual we will have two presenters- Stephanie Farrelly Quinn and Dr Diana
Gouveia who will bring their own reading of session III and IV( first part of
the seminar) as well as their questions for all of us to engage and discuss.
The registration fee is €30. Student fee is € 20.
To register please email: [email protected] or click on the following Eventbrite link:

Luxembourg; member of Espace analytique (Paris), Après-coup (New
York), Psychoanalytisches Kolleg (Berlin); author of numerous articles;
editor of Actualité de l’hystérie (2001), Les limites du corps, le corps
comme limite (2005), Norm, Normalität, Gesetz (2012).