The contemporary extension of the diagnosis of autism poses a certain number of
problems. We will examine the effects which arise from this on the basis of a clinical case.
Psychoanalytic training, beyond the divisions existing between different schools and
orientations, has a tripartile basis: personal analysis, supervision, theoretical teaching. But
despite this apparent consensus, how, from our perspective, can we understand the
specificity of this training, each element of which is necessary but not sufficient?

The registration fee is €30. Student fee is €20.
To register please email: [email protected] or click on the following Eventbrite link:

Dr Alain Vanier
Dr Alain Vanier is an analyst and president of Espace Analytique Paris. He
completed a medical degree and worked in child and adult psychiatry for more than
15 years. He has also worked together with Maud Mannoni at the Experimental
School of Bonneuil-sur-Marne. Since 1996 Alain has worked as a professor at
Université Paris. He had written more then 280 publications, 4 books and delivered
more than 800 lectures across the world. In 2018 he was made a Professor
Emeritus at Université de Paris.

Dr Catherine Vanier
Dr Catherine Vanier is an analyst, member and former president of Espace
Analytique Paris. Currently she is the President of Enfance en Jeu, an association
for research in paediatrics, psychoanalysis, and pedagogy and is a psychoanalyst in
the neonatology service of the Hôpital Delafontaine in Saint Denis. Her numerous
articles and books include The Broken Piano: Lacanian Psychotherapy with
Children (Other Press, 1999) and Premature Birth (Karnac, 2015). She was awarded
the Knight of the Legion of Honour in 2010