This seminar will start with a presentation by Dr Ivana Milivojevic Slote, followed by a discussion and response from Dr André Michels. The seminar is a continuation of our previous meeting but new participants are welcome. You are advised to read Freud’s book Civilization and its Discontents and to prepare questions in advance of the seminar.
ICP will reward 2 CPD points for attending this seminar.
The registration fee is €30. The seminar will take place on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent before the seminar begins. To register please email: [email protected] or click on the following Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reading-civilization-and-its-discontents-with-dr-andre-michels-tickets-409552110387?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1

Dr André Michels is a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst in Paris and Luxembourg; member of Espace analytique (Paris), Après-coup (New York), Psychoanalytisches Kolleg (Berlin); author of numerous articles; editor of Actualité de l’hystérie (2001), Les limites du corps, le corps comme limite (2005), Norm, Normalität, Gesetz (2012).