The talk will center on a close reading of Freud’s classic 1914 paper. We will have ample time for questions and discussion, both theoretical and clinical. We might consider, for example, what Lacan’s thought contributes to the Freudian understanding of narcissism. The text of reference will be Strachey’s translation in the Standard Edition.

An American psychoanalyst from California, Amanda has been living and working in Paris for over 25 years. She is a practicing analyst at Espace Analytique, where she has co-lead the seminar The Pleasure of Reading Freud (2019-2020), as well as the seminar Anxiety: from Freud to Lacan (2021-2022). Since 2023, in partnership with colleagues at Espace, Amanda has helped to guide the monthly seminar, Clinical Transmission, under the direction of Marielle David. Amanda is a founding member of the program Appui-Psy: psychoanalysts offering pro-bono consultations to the employees of the humanitarian association Utopia 56. She has a special interest in the intersection of psychoanalysis and literature.